06 February 2024

Cinema Guard

Cinema Guard removes swear words from any media file.

*Note: 64-Bit Windows operating system required.



  1.  Download Cinema Guard (Cuda) for Nvidia GPUs or Cinema Guard (No Cuda) for other GPUs.
  2. Generating subtitles using your CPU is very slow. Download or extract existing subtitles instead if you don't have the time or patience.
  3. For inexperienced users, it's recommended not to modify the settings. For advanced users, feel free to experiment with different settings and provide feedback if you discover better configurations.
  4. If a custom swear word disappears after saving, it simply means that the associated checkbox has been checked, meaning the word is will still be muted.
  5. Use Subloader to quickly download subtitles for media files: Download. If you create an account you can download up to 20 subtitles per day.
  6. Advanced users might be able to experiment with ZLUDA, which could allow GPUs other than NVIDIA to utilize the subtitle generation feature.


  1. Ian - Thanks for working on the new Cinema Guard.
    Issues -

    First, Cinema Guard (Cuda) is being flagged by Windows 11 Security.
    "Microsoft Defender SmartScreen prevented an unrecognized app from starting. Running this app might put your PC at risk."
    If you run it anyway it appears to work correctly.

    Second - You cannot save the settings until you first open and then close the program. After the initial open/close step then you can then save the settings.

    For a video file that you have the accompanying same-named srt file it runs correctly. I do miss the Peek option or the option to pick a specific srt file with a different name to use with a video file as in Profanity Remover 2.

    Third - I tried using it on a video without the srt file to see how the linked whisper-faster works. I left everything on default. It initially seems to run ok. It downloads the one time model and then begins apparently generating the subtitle but it never changes from 0%. After 1/2 hour with 0% I stopped the process. You get the stop confirmation warning and then a log screen that you cannot scroll through to find the problem. You basically see error occurred. Please restart the program and lines down to 14%. You cannot copy / past to provide info.

    So I thought maybe I would try running it with Administrator rights, If you run it under Administrator Windows Security stops the operation because of a virus. It flags Cinema Guard.exe as having Trojan:Win32/Bearfoos.A!ml. So it is either disabled or removed.

    If you reboot your PC, restore Cinema Guard.exe, and again run with Administrator rights but allow the program to run disregarding the virus warning, the program will still not get pass 0%.

    So too many problems and miss the peek / specific srt file option.
    I will be going back to Profanity Remover 2 but may try Cinema Guard again in the future.

    Thanks again for continuing this work.


    1. Hi Welles,

      The SmartScreen notification will eventually go away as time goes on, it's a reputation-based system.

      The settings window issue is now fixed.

      I have added the peek functionality back in (just drag and drop a srt file into Cinema Guard).

      I would almost advise against running Whisper without a Nvidia GPU. It's very slow, even on very fast CPUs
      If an error occurs now, it will be logged under the file "Exceptions.log".

      I just ran a VT scan: https://www.virustotal.com/gui/file/c73ec24ff311decfa551b92a5981deeb3896efdbdbaa7fd2cde89ea89445cf2b?nocache=1
      Seems like Microsoft is identifying whisper-faster as "Program:Win32/Wacapew.C!ml" which is a child process of Cinema Guard.

      Thanks for highlighting the issues!

  2. i can't get it to work. says that it has to download a base, and i've left it for hours and it just sits at generating subtitles 0%

  3. Cinema Guard is AMAZING! AI Swear Filter that ONLY filters the exact part of the swear word. One has to create one word subtitles for this to happen, but the big initial download and then the wait for the subtitle to generate is totally worth it. It's the most accurate filter in the entire world! My only regret is that I do not have the original audio for the previous stuff I filtered with Movie Profanity Remover, because I would filter them again with Cinema Guard. It's way more accurate!!

  4. How does the application decide whether to do one word edit or full sentence edit? I don't see a box to "check" for that....

  5. Malwarbytes flags this as a MachineLearning Malware

    1. I've heard of numerous antivirus engines flagging Cinema Guard as positive.
      Not sure why, but I'll submit the file to the appropriate vendors at some point.

  6. I'm getting this error while trying to run the application for a movie using AI subtitles
    "Error occured. Please restart the program and try again.
    Details: Could not file C:\****.srt. Void WinIOError (Int32, System.String)

    Any help?

    1. Please send me an email: inieuwoudt1pc@gmail.com

  7. Hello and thank you for the software. I am having trouble adding more words to the box. It seems to only save the one when I add a few additional words to block. Is reads: additional (split with new line). How do I get it to save more than 1 word in that box?

    1. Hi, happy you like it.
      It does save the word(s). You should see that a checkbox containing the word(s) is now checked, hence the reason it was removed from the additional swear words list.

    2. Hi Ian.
      First off thank you for making this wonderful program available !!!
      I loved the original & currently testing the new version.
      Then sorry I don't understand. What do you mean with "You should see that a checkbox containing the word(s) is now checked " with adding new words ? I'm adding new words but no additional checkboxe's appear ?
      The new words remain within the add words box area where you type it in by full sentences, but they disappear in the single word add area. I have no idea if new words are added or not ?
      Maybe just my stupidity, but please inform.

      All the best & Rgds

    3. Hi!
      I'm happy you like it.
      If a word disappears from the textbox, it's already a part of a checked checkbox. No need to do anything further.

      Best regards

  8. Is the only way to get a one-word edit is to use the AI subtitle creation? Or is there some way to do it with a provided subtitle?

    1. I don't know of any other software that can create a one word subtitles file. If you would like to modify the subtitles first, right click on the queued media and select [Generate Subtitles] - just ensure your settings is set to One Word or Both. You can modify it first and then use it to censor the media file

  9. Thank you so much for this software!! Cinema guard is much more accurate at filtering at the correct time than Movie Profanity remover 2.0 which I loved as well. I've noticed that Cinema guard will fail to catch some swear words when they are muttered under someone's breath. It's like there is a minimum decibel threshold before words are detected. Is there a setting to adjust that?

    1. I'm happy you like it! Unfortunately I'm not aware of any parameter that can specify a minimum decibel threshold. This is a limitation of the model(s) that are available, for now at least.

  10. What audio formats are supported? For example, would this work with an .MKV Blu-ray rip with either Dolby TrueHD or DTS-HD MA?

    1. Both should be supported. You can find more information about ffmpeg here:

  11. Single word censoring doesn't seem to be working. It will work with single sentence censoring, however.

    1. Please provide more information about what is happening.

    2. Ah, I figured it out. If I switch to .MKV, "Embed Subtitles" is initially grayed out. However, if uncheck and recheck the checkbox for "Create Subtitles," "Embed Subtitles" is then available. Since (I assume) .MKV subtitle embedding isn't yet supported, it fails. So the bug is blocking "Embed Subtitles" can be enabled and cause a conversion to fail following the steps outlined above.

    3. As of the time I've developed that part of the application, embedding subtitles in a MKV files wasn't possible. If you want to embed subtitles you will have to use MP4 as your output type.

    4. Cool! I understand that and have no problems adding the subtitle after the fact with MKVToolNix or similar. I am just pointing out that the application, when selecting .MKV, can be made to falsely show that it can embed subtitles by toggling the "Create Subtitles" option on-off-on. When you do that, then the option for "Embed Subtitles" is no longer grayed out despite it being set to a .MKV file output.

  12. Love this...thank you for your hard work in making this possible. Only suggestion I would add is being able to generate the subtitle files without running the video removal and also being able to "peek" as in the old version into where or how many words should be removed. Its sometimes helpful to double check and make sure it's all out. Thank you again!

    1. When you right click on the video file (inside Cinema Guard), there will be an option to generate subtitles.
      You can drag and drop a srt file onto Cinema Guard and it will show the peek window.
      I'm glad you like it!

  13. Hi mate, I might have missed instructions somewhere, but wondering how you can configure which words you want removed? Is it flexible enough for me to adjust what I want to be considered as offensive words?

    1. Hi!

      You can add your own custom words by navigating to Settings -> Filter -> Words -> Select
      Add your own words in the textbox.
      If the word is already a part of one of the checkboxes (that has been checked), it will be removed from the textbox, but still be muted.

  14. Okay, just tested out the program for the first time with my Asus 3080 16GB card and it works great. The length of time wasn't too bad and I can easily queue things up tonight.

    One thing I miss from the old version is the option for only having the mute on the vocal audio tracks only and allowing the music and surrounding ambient noise still there. This feels a little cleaner and it's not so jarring. The only problem is that sometimes there will be 1 or 2 yelled profanities which do leak into the surround channels. Maybe if the list of words that were detected popped up and you could listen to a 5 second segment and toggle it one way or another. Or on the other hand, this could be automated using the same tech. A second pass of detection after only muting the vocal channels could be a decision gate on a specific word being muted from all audio channels.

    So if we already have an SRT in a separate file with accurate subtitles, or if it's included in the MKV, does this program take advantage of it? For instance, it could search through the SRT for word hits, and then only do a word level transcription of just that 30 second segment. This would greatly increase the speed if you already have a decent transcript.

    I noticed that in the generated transcript, sometimes when it was noisy it wouldn't quite pick it up. These are the times that the "official" transcripts help the most because you can't always clearly hear what they are saying.

    Also, any guidance on what the Beam Size option will do? I had it set to Large-v2 and Cuda device. If I change to custom there doesn't seem to be anything visually that changes.

    1. Great to hear!

      The reason I have disabled the 'mute vocals only' option for now is due to the leaks into the other channels.
      My plan was to check the decibel levels and mute everything if the background audio levels are too low. It's still something I'll have to experiment with.

      Your solution might also be sufficient, and could possibly be better.

      If you click on the beam size label it will take you to this article:

      Thanks for your input!

  15. Hey Ian. Is there a way to set the destination audio format to match the source or at least for it to remain lossless? I ask since it converted the lossless Dolby TrueHD/Atmos audio in an .MKV remux of one of my UHD Blu-rays into lossy Vorbis when I would have really preferred it to remain lossless.

    1. Hi! Please send me an email - inieuwoudt1pc@gmail.com

  16. Hi Ian,
    I was so excited to come across your program. I've been wanting to find a quick way to censor my movie collection for the longest time and I think this is exactly what I've been looking for. Unfortunately, I'm also stuck on the 0% when generating subtitles. Would you mind helping me troubleshoot? TIA

    1. Hi,
      What Graphics card do you have in your system?

  17. Hi thank you so much for this program! I was wondering if we can provide our own version of ffmpeg like the Movie Profanity Remover? I tried just replacing the ffmpeg.exe from the extracted archive but that does not seem to work.

    1. Hi, replacing ffmpeg.exe should work. What exactly is not working?
